Friday, July 12, 2019

Homesteading in Paradise June 2019 Highlights

Do you want to see what a real garden and orchard look like in the glory of summer? Well, here ya go: June is incredible on our homestead. Watch and be inspired!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Should I keep doing this? Please tell me.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might have wondered where the heck I've been. I have posted every single week for many years, and now it has trickled to about a month.

I got a new job half a year ago - Feminine Power Enrollment Specialist and Global Ambassador. It's a mouthful, right?  What I do is meet on zoom (computer) with women from all over the world to coach them and sponsor them into the advanced and professional trainings Feminine Power offers. 

I've had my own transformational life coaching practice for eight years, and adding on this new position has taken up a lot of my time and energy. I LOVE it. I get to do what I'm naturally good at: connecting deeply with people, in this case women who want to self-actualize and unleash their gifts into the world.

So apart from changing the world, I'm also still growing a large garden. Raising kids. You know, just life. It's all stuff I love to do, and I also find myself struggling to find time for things I used to do, like blogging and creating movies and other content for you.

I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with this blog... Stop it alltogether? Ask you to become a Patron so I can be better supported to continue on with it?

I don't know. I would welcome your feedback and ideas if you want to leave them in the comments. Should I go on blogging? Why? What do you like about it? 

June has been filled with a huge amount of gardening, weeding and harvesting. We are getting so much food out of our garden, it's a delight.

With my new job, gardening is harder, but ever more important for my sanity: after holding deep emotional space for women for half the day, it feels good to get my hands in the dirt and ground myself in this gorgeous space.

And now that summer vacation is here, my kids help me in the garden. Sometimes more willingly than other times, but nonetheless... They gotta help. End of story.

We try to find as much time as possible to play in our gorgeous playground, the Pacific Northwest. Day trips to the ocean (or rather Puget Sound), an anniversary weekend excursion for Steve and me in Canada (hiking, biking and kayaking), journeys to the creeks and rivers in our neighborhood...

If it's outside, and if it involves physical activity, sign us up!

Whenever I get some quiet time, I like to sit and knit. Knitting, just like gardening, is my mental health strategy. Typical type A German that I am, I like combining relaxation with production: getting some practical garments out of the deal is right up my alley.

I finished a very quick-to-knit sweater, because it's bulky, fluffy yarn knit on big needles.

I also knitted another skirt, this time with different colors than the first one I made a couple of months ago.

I'll leave you with images from June: 

~ A Father's Day picture

~ Picking wild berries in the woods with friends

~ And our new chickens that a kind blog reader gifted us after some of our chickens were killed by ravens

PS: Please do give me feedback about what I should do with my blog. And if you want me to keep blogging, please consider becoming a Patron.