Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oregon coast and California redwoods

We made it to the Californian Redwoods!  And wouldn't you believe it - it has been sunny pretty much every day!  There is something to be said about fleeing the Pacific Northwest in winter!
So far, our epic road trip has been a blast.  Apart from the fact that I have a terrible sore throat, cough, and ear ache, I have been enjoying my exuberant family and our adventure.
We left Marblemount, WA, three days ago, on January 1.  Doesn't it look like Eva is fighting me, screaming, "Don't get me into the RV with these people! What are they thinking? Six weeks traveling in this box together???"

On to Oregon, where we spent our first night at the beautiful Champoeg State Park with its enchanted oak trees.  You don't see these kinds of trees where we are from!

And on to the Oregon coast, where much wave chasing and wet-getting was to be had.

We found Humbug State Park, which felt very isolated and magical, tucked away between a mountain and a rugged beach.  We had a lovely sunset walk, and in Steve's case, a sunset head stand.

The next day, which is today, found us exploring the coast, sneaking up on seals, chasing sea gulls, eating lunch in the RV with the most scenic view ever, and embracing redwood trees.

That's a root wad.
And tonight?  We found an RV camp ground with hook ups, which we need because I'm kinda sick, and I want to be warm.  We thought about camping in Jedediah Smith State Park, but there is no electricity there.  I guess the redwood tree roots are too tough, the park people can't put electricity in, which is fine with me, but really?  I want to be nice and cozy tonight, so there.  Plus this place has Wifi, so I can catch up on e-mail and this blog, recharge our cameras, and have this view from our window:

I'm signing off for today, cause I have to make tuna and egg casserole in our little oven.  All is well!


  1. yeah!!!! what fun it looks like you are having.
    hope you feel better soon!

  2. If you're heading south tomorrow, you should stop by the Real Goods store in Hopland. You've probably seen the Real Goods catalog, but the store is way cooler. It's on the south end of town, you'll see the sign and turn left off of 101.

    There is a self guided tour highlighting all manner of sustainable everything, very kid friendly, and the store is pretty neat as well. There is more to look at in the summer months but it's still good this time of year. And free. A good place to get out and stretch your legs for a bit.

    Are you heading into SF?

    1. Jennie, we are now camping in the Avenue of the Giants, South of Eureka. Where on Earth is Hopeland? The store you are talking about sounds right up our alley!

  3. Hallole!!! ICH WILL AUCH MIT!!!! Mensch ist das schön!! Ich bin so froh für euch, daß alles wieder ok ist!! Und du wirst sehen, deine Erkältung wird auch bald wieder besser!! Du hast ja gesagt Globuli helfen bei dir nicht, gell, sonst hättest du ja da was nehmen können....
    Schreib schön fleißig weiter und mach bitte viele viele Fotos daß ich immer sehen kann wo ihr gerade seid.
    Hab dich lieb. Drück dich. Belli

    1. Oh Belli, es waere so schoen, wenn du dabei sein koenntest!!!
