Monday, May 5, 2014


It's a shitty, rainy day outside. Again.
So I decided to give away a skein of yarn to brighten up the day and make myself feel better - and you too.  Also, this is my 100th blog post, and this is worth celebrating, yes?
Here's how to do it.  Go to my Etsy store (click here) and look at the yarn section.  It's all handpainted and spun by me, and if I say so myself, it's all gorgeous.
Then leave a comment here on this blog by Sunday night, and I will choose a winner randomly.  I will send it to you on Monday morning!  How's that sound?
Ready, set, go!

Here are some samples and some colors to cheer me you up.  Hang in there.  The sun WILL come out again!


  1. Corina, you are so talented! I love reading your blog. You are a great inspiration. If my name is picked, I would love some blue yarn that would be easy to work with. I'm teaching my 12 year old how to crochet and her favorite color is blue. Thank you and keep posting! :-)
    Cheryl Werda

  2. Oh Corina you know I've always drooled over your amazing yarn!! And your amazing talent! Could you give away some of that talent with theyarn?! ;) love you!

  3. Your yarns remind me of my mother who loved to knit and I will make something in her memory if I am lucky to receive the gift. No matter what, I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing the amazing energy and life force you emanate! Much love to you and your family.
