Thursday, February 11, 2016

Just in time for Valentine's day!

Did you ever see the post about the raw chocolate truffle recipe that changed my life?  
I eat four or five of these yummy suckers every day, since they are medicinal.  Truly.  They contain raw chocolate powder, coconut oil, cashews, brazil nuts, goji berries, honey, coconut nectar, and vanilla.  Healthy superfood, all of it, right?  Right.

And the best valentine's present ever!

So I made a little movie about how to make them, to get you addicted inspired.

Since I don't have the internet capacity of loading the movie onto this post, watch it here on youtube.  (I just spent two hours at the local library to upload this six minute video to youtube.  Argh!)

Let me know what you think!  Your life will be changed forever.


  1. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I am totally addicted to chocolate chips and these I hope will do the trick! Where do you buy your ingredients? (If you don't mind me asking.)

    1. Ruth, I promise you, these truffles WILL do the trick! You can click on the first link where I talk about my blog post, and it will direct you to the ingredient list. I hyperlinked every ingredient, and you can buy it directly from there. Or just go to a health food store and find all the ingredients there! Oh, here is the link again:

    2. I'm sorry to bother you, Corina, but where do you get your cashews and brazil nuts?

  2. Thank you so much, Corina!

    1. Ruth, I get my cashews and brazil nuts at our local food coop. I bet they have them in normal grocery stores as well. If you can't find them, order them online. I just did a search for you. Here is the link for brazil nuts - copy and past that into your browser:

      And here is the link for cashews:

      Hope that helps!

    2. Thank you for your help. I just found both at with $5.00 shipping for over $75 order.

      Thank you, again!

  3. Just thought I would let you know I have been making "tons" of these! What a great recipe that really satisfies the sweet tooth- without the guilt. I don't have a mold so I have been spreading the mixture on parchment paper and freezing them. I then break it up like chocolate bark. When I ran out of goji fruit, I tried some of my dried blueberries and they worked great too!

  4. Sorry- My comment was published as "unknown"- It's Monica Crosson. Love your truffles and I will be taking your fermentation class.

    1. Monica, that's so great to hear! I have an extra mold if you want it!
      Also: so excited you will be signing up for my fermentation course!
