Sunday, August 7, 2016

My online backyard chicken course is live! Ten percent discount for my blog readers!

After filming, editing, researching, writing, getting up early every morning and going to bed late every night to work on it, my online backyard chicken course is published.

If you want to learn about how to naturally raise healthy chickens in your backyard, I invite you to join my course and get a ten percent discount for the next five days.  

I offer this deal for my blog readers only, and it will expire Thursday, August 11 at 6pm).

Discount code: blogchicken

As with all my online courses, this one is self-paced, which means you can start any time, end any time, take as much or little time as you want, and download all materials and keep them for life.

Materials include e-books I wrote, movies I filmed, and access to a private Facebook group, where you can ask questions and interact with me daily if you want to.

Here's what you will learn:

  • Why to raise chickens
  • What to expect 
  • Legalities of raising urban backyard chickens 
  • What breeds to get 
  • How to incubate eggs if you choose to 
  • Where and how to get your chicks 
  • How to raise them in a brooder 
  • What to feed them and how to supplement their feed 
  • How to house them 
  • How to build a chicken tractor 
  • Diseases and problems with chickens 
  • How to deal with their eggs (and some awesome recipes) 
  • Slaughtering chickens
  • Molting

By the end of this course, you will know everything you need to know (and more!) to raise healthy, happy chickens and get super healthy eggs every day!
So head on over to my course page, claim your discount code:
and get the course 10 percent off!
Hope to see you there!


  1. I pretty much know about chickens so I won't be watching but thank you! I'm 100% sure it's an excellent video! You always do such good work. I do want to ask a question. In your video do you mention any downsides to having chickens? My biggest one is the aspect of not being able to go away and leave them without really good back up or creative preparation. Chickens are so vulnerable in a lot of ways.

    1. Heya! Actually, it's not just a video but a huge course that deals with everything one needs to know to be a chicken keeper.
      Yes, in my course I talk about the downsides as well. People have to know what they are getting into before bringing home cute little chirping fluffballs!

    2. I should have known! You're a very thorough gal!

      Someday I will get chickens again. You know what I'm talking about because you had to let go of your goats for a while when you got too overwhelmed. But you came back like I will and then I'll have peeps again! Right now I'm struggling to keep our new pomegranate trees alive in this ridiculous heat. If they survive they will be great! This is perfect environment for them.

    3. The clue with watering is to get the water deep. Most people water to often and too little, creating lazy plants.
      Water them properly and not too often, so the water sinks deep and the plant is forced to create roots that go deep.
      And keep the topsoil loose and covered, so it doesn't cake.

    4. Exactly correct.

  2. Sounds like a good idea!
    However non applicable to me, given the laws and breeds 'n stuff. Guess I will be learning the hard way, since we got "into the business" this weekend as well.

    1. Hey Ron,
      Oh great! You got chickens last weekend?
      By the way, my course covers much, much more than just laws and breeds. It's all info that applies to chickens all over the world! :) Even Swedish and Danish and Norwegian ones!

    2. Well, been busy building all the commodities last week and on friday 7 roosters moved in. We had made deals with 2 other people to buy hens from them, but both backed down on the last moment, due to various reasons. Now we are eagerly looking for alternatives.

    3. SEVEN roosters???? No way! We just slaughtered our roosters because they started crowing very early in the morning and really pissed me off. I have a chapter on how to slaughter in my course!

    4. That's why we got those 7. We need to learn to kill and butcher them and what best way to do that than with free samples?
      But to be honest one of them is so fine that we will keep that one at least. Good genes for future offspring.

  3. I would love to take this course! I hope to get chickens very soon. I have read many books from the library, and many blog posts. This course sounds awesome! I would love to know what application you use to make your courses and how you host them on your website too!

    1. Kristi, I would love for you to take the course.
      I use Thinkific to host my courses (I also have a cheesemaking and fermentation course). They host it all - videos, pdfs, ebooks, multimedia. It costs money, but it's worth it. Does this answer your question?

    2. Thank you so much for sharing the info! I was looking at all of your courses earlier. I have been wanting to take the cheesemaking course for a while now. I have never made my own cheese before. That course would be amazing for me!

    3. Kristi, go for it! Hope to see you in the course!
