Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Over the past couple of years, I've had the pleasure of getting to know fellow blogger, homeschooling Mama, and online workshop host Heather Bruggeman of Beauty That Moves.

She designs amazing seasonal online workshops, having to do with holistic nurturing, renewal, and inspiration.

"Hibernate" is her online winter workshop, which I have taken and loved immensely.  In Heather's words, 

"Hibernate is a self-paced, four week, online retreat - a place to celebrate the pause that wintertime brings. A place to linger through the dark and quiet, to welcome stillness, and allow time to enjoy home and hearth."

This year, I'm a contributor!  I'm teaching (video and ebook) how to make Chevre, and also contribute some awesome recipes (Cheesecake anyone? Marinated Chevre with herbs and olive oil!).

I invite you to head on over there and see if this is something you would like, knowing that I love it with all my heart and will participate in this year.

It starts January 16th, and lasts four weeks.

Again, in Heather's words:
"Each weekday will follow the themes Nourish, Gather, Refresh, Create, and Rest. Content will be delivered through our private class website in the form of beautiful mini e-books and videos. In addition, there will be an interactive community to share ideas and experience, if you choose.
You will find the days in a single week thread together with projects and ideas that compliment each other. 
Starting where you are, and working with what you have, you will pick and choose the projects, prompts, recipes and inspiration that speak to you."

On the agenda this year, we will learn how to:

  • do a House Blessing practice
  • make soap
  • make Tummy Soothing Ginger Drops
  • create cozy winter wellness recipes
  • make sourdough pizza crust
  • cook one pot recipes
  • celebrate Hygge (a Danish art of creating sanctuary and community)
  • make winter jam
  • make Chevre (that would be mine)
  • create Chaga Brews
  • make sewing and knitting projects

  • .... and more!

I would love for you to join us!


  1. I think I've said this before. Can I just come live with you guys? I'm still waiting for this Homestead to reveal a semblance of "settled in" the ways your homesteads look. So, so many projects. Too little time. I was just out in the horse pens digging to level out 13 years of neglect by the last owner. And then I glance over to the fences that are in the same state and need time, resources and attention. My persimmon finally lost all its leave in the recent hard frost. I feel like I've lost all my leaves, too. It's all good, though. Today is the Solstice. Tonight we'll have a bonfire and dance around it like Wild Indians whoopin' and hollerin' and making the neighbors wonder if their usually quiet neighbors finally lost it. Ha!

    1. Remember: our homestead wasn't always like it is now. In fact, when we bought the land 14 years ago, it was all woods, with an unfinished house. Very unfinished.
      We worked really hard to get to where we are now, and we're not done yet!
      Hey, I'll join you around your fire, and I'll be the loudest screamer, as I always am!
