Sunday, April 30, 2017

Homesteading in Paradise - April 2017 Highlights

When I put together this month's video clip of my Homesteading in Paradise series, I pulled my hair out.  There was so much footage of all the things that happened, it would have gone on for an hour, so I simply chose some of my favorites and called it good.

It must be spring, eh?

Watch the video and be prepared for some serious beauty and cuteness!


  1. I can see why you might have had a terrible awful very bad no good week. You have too much to do! All that planting can give one a bad back!

    You're not alone, sister! I just look around and see all these projects that are not getting done. I just have to do the priority projects and triage the rest.

    This is one thing that country people know about their lives that city people don't. Sometimes city people think the country life is romantic but it's hard and not romantic. I'm got sick this past week from the "too much" I've been doing and yet I can't quit. The "can't quit" is something city people understand. I was a city person once for a long time and you still have to work even though you really need to rest. So you rest the best you can and take pleasure breaks when it becomes necessary. (we broke down the other day and went to a restaurant. Wasn't as good as home made but I didn't have to make it or clean up afterwards).

    Your life is beautiful. For highlights: love the Jonas Par-kour and the dog dream on the sofa.

    1. It's so good to remember that we are not alone in our overwhelm! Sending love to you Renee, and thanks for your supportive comments!
