Tuesday, August 1, 2017


It might be the timing of it, since it's August and everyone is busy.  Last time, we held our homesteading and wilderness retreat in October (in the middle of a power outage and a crazy wind storm), and we had ten participants.

This year, there are only four people signed up so far. What???

So here's the deal: We want YOU!  

Our retreat is one-of-a-kind awesome, if I may so so myself, and our past participants agree.  One of them told me that my lasagne is the best one she ever had in her life, so that's saying something.

But it's not just about the food we feed you.  Farm fresh, home-cooked, healthy, yummy, of course.

It's mostly about the stuff we teach you: cheese making, soap making, wilderness skills, bow making, archery, fermentation, goat husbandry.  You get to pick and choose the classes you want to take, so if you don't give a hoot about making bows, hang out with goat babies instead.

Also, the other great side benefit of spending two days with us on our beautiful homestead is that you get to meet other like-minded people: readers of this blog, folks passionate about sustainable living.

I haven't done any advertising except mentioning this retreat on my Facebook group, and here on the blog, so it's gonna be a great group of folks who really know what we're all about: teaching good stuff, making great food, building community.

Join us!


  1. The retreat sounds wonderful! We would love to go....but you know being on the other side of the world makes it all logistically a little difficult. I hope your work shop fills up and you all have a wonderful time. Which I know you will. :)



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