Saturday, September 9, 2017

An update on the non-homeschooling thing. And also our Homesteading in Paradise movie for August!

Darlings, here is our Homesteading in Paradise movie for August.  I cried my way through making this one, because it marked the end of our homeschooling lives.  The scenes in this clip feature large on our kids, of course, because they have always been so involved with our homestead.

I have to remind myself that they will continue to be involved, just not as they were before.

What can I say?  I go from being a mess because I'm grieving the loss of letting my kids go, to elation because I can start my day with yoga, and I have hours of uninterrupted time.  By myself.  In a quiet house.

And then I start crying again, because... well, because the house is so damn quiet.

This is such a huge change for us as a family, and as individuals.

The truth is, I can't write about my kids starting public school right now.  It's too emotional, I'm too exhausted.  But many of you have asked me how the transition is going, and I wanted to tell you that we're doing fine.  Really.

I will write more soon, I promise.

In the meantime, please remember that I'm teaching in this free online summit.  My "How to make Chevre cheese" presentation is tomorrow (Sunday), among lots of other presentations, lasting a whole week.  You can learn awesome self-sufficiency skills, for free and online, on your own time.  I'm sorry if you've been inundated by reminders of this event on my blog and social media.  It's just that it's an amazing opportunity, and a great gift, really.

I'll be participating in this summit as a teacher AND student.  There are things I want to learn, and I'll sit in on several presentations, for example the ones on thermal cooking, year-round gardening, natural skincare for families, extreme grocery budgeting, heirloom seed saving, making mead, and how to embrace an off-grid lifestyle.

Hope to "see" you there!


  1. I just heard this segment on NPR where they were talking about how engineers are now learning that if they go to nature they find the most amazing things that they can apply to their engineering. For example, how to move water without pumps. They look to the capillary action in trees that moves the sap/nutrients from the roots to the leaves without pumps. The odd thing is in engineering school the student never study biology. They just study what other engineers have invented in the past. This is changing.

    Another example, they study a beetle in the Sahara that has no water supply except for dew. It has a body structure that collects dew for it to drink.

    I don't know why this pertains to changing the future by embracing the past but it just occurs to me that by thinking outside the box we can live better lives and in accord with our Big Blue Marble that we live on.

    1. Absolutely. Nature is an amazing teacher, in so many ways. Many people don't realize how interconnected we are with nature, but if we just look and are open, we see examples of this everywhere!

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