Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The future of this blog and a very exciting opportunity

I'm so grateful for all of you: my readers, fans and students who read my blog and watch my videos from all over the world! You are an awesome tribe!

For over 5 years, I've offered you absolutely free content on my blog and my youtube channel: free tutorials teaching anything you can imagine that's related to homesteading, wholesome living, sustainability, homeschooling and health.

Many mornings, I get up at 5 am, before milking the goats and feeding the pigs, ducks, chickens and (human) kids, so I can write a blog post or edit movie footage we filmed.
Many evenings, I research about a topic my readers want to learn about and then write a tutorial for them.

In other words, plenty of blood, sweat and tears have gone into providing the stuff you all find so inspiring and helpful. And I love doing that for you!

But gosh darn it, wouldn't it be nice to get paid for some of that work so I can do more of it and serve you better!

That's where Patreon comes in, and you, obviously. Because I get lots of emails from many people thanking me for inspiring, teaching and leading them, I know I offer a huge service to many.

So now, there's a way to get access to even more inspiring, educational, fun content from us and help support us by joining our exclusive community!

You can actually support us with as much or as little money as you want. 
It's kind of like pledging for National Public Radio, or participating in a kick starter, for as little as $1 a month. That's $12 a year, which basically is the cost of three lattes.


Your contribution will go first of all to all the fees associated with keeping a website: domain and website hosting, file hosting (I have to pay to host my free ebook I give away as a gift).

When I reach that goal, the money will go to cover a small amount of my time I devote to the blog and youtube channel. So when I stumble out of bed bleary eyed at 5 am, I can say to myself: "Wow, I'm getting paid for this!" Wouldn't that be nice?

Think of it as being an old-fashioned patron for a creator you like. Back in the olden days, people like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci had patrons who supported their work, so that these genius dudes could devote themselves to their work. Not that I'm Michelangelo or anything...

And if you become a patron, you can request tutorials. What do you want to learn about? What do you want to hear more about? How can I help you?

Depending on how much money you are able to give per month, you get some amazing rewards:

At the $1 a month level, you get:

* Behind the scenes insights, extra special recipes, video tutorials and written how to's

* Be the first one to be notified of future events

At the $5 a month level, you get:

* All of the above

* Monthly, scheduled, live (and recorded) Q and A phone calls with us to ask us anything about homesteading, homeschooling, balancing a full life - everything you want advice about!

At the $10 a month level, you get:

* All of the above

* Monthly, scheduled, live video chats to ask us anything (homesteading, homeschooling, balancing a full life - everything you want advice about!)

* One bar of my super moisturizing goat milk soap

At the $20 a month level, you get:

* All of the above

* A custom-made wooden longbow made by Steve

We already made three awesome video tutorials that only patrons can access (at the $1 level and up).

One is on how to make this Christmas wreath with a coat hanger.

The second one is on how to fold and cut paper snow flakes.
And the third one: how to make the best cheesecake you ever tasted.

We have lots more in the works. We'll teach you how to make root beer, ginger ale and berry wine.

We'll have special recipes for wholesome, tasty food every month.

There'll be seasonally relevant topics every single month - things you can implement in your own life.

And of course, we want to hear from our patrons and take requests. What is it YOU want to learn? What do you want more of?

I can't tell you how excited we are about this!!!

I hope you are, too! Head on over to our Patreon page and become a patron!

Thanks a million!


Corina, Steve, Kai, Luke and Eva


  1. How can I resist getting a free bar of your wonderful soap! I'm going to do it because friends need to support friends and because your teaching is priceless and... on and on. I'm not rich. Far from it but I feel I need to do this. Maybe I'll win the Lottery tomorrow! LOL

    1. Oh I love you! Thanks for your support! And may you win the lottery!
