Friday, March 23, 2018

Shopping for baby chicks, baby goats and other springtime shenanigans

Nothing screams "SPRING" more than baby chicks, baby goats and crocuses.  And this blog post is filled with 'em, because guess what?  Spring has sprung, more or less.  More last week, less this week, with the snow line falling again.

I accidentally came home with six new baby chicks after entering our local farm store.  They were 50 percent off, so how could I have resisted?  The chicks live in our bathroom for now, with a heat lamp and a brooder that keeps them safe.

Our dogs, especially Raka, the big one, love these little fluff balls.  Raka lies on the floor with them, letting them flutter all over her and even lets them peck her nose.  It's incredibly cute, albeit a tiny little bit exciting, because Raka could fit all six chicks easily into her mouth at once.

If you want to raise chicks and know how to build a chicken tractor to keep them safe, you can take my online chicken raising course for 10 percent off with coupon code "chicks", but only until Sunday at 10pm Pacific. Click here to check it out.

Also: baby goats.  Ahhhhhhhh, baby goats.  Last fall, I sold all of my goats to have a breather and figure out what I want to do with my life, but very soon I realized that this life needs to have goats in it.  And cheesemaking

So I've been spending time with friends' goats to see which ones I want.  The problem is: I want them all.

Below are mini Nubians with their adorable long ears, which I'm drooling over because I've bred and raised ear-less La Mancha goats for over a decade.

And then there's the white Saanens with their bunny rabbit ears.  

Choices, choices.  What's a girl to do when one baby goat looks cuter than the other?

This whole spring thing happened pretty quickly.  One week, we were covered in snow and ice, and the other, things were melted.

The worst part was when I had to shovel snow and ice to clear a path for the chicken tractor.  The poor girls had been stuck in one area for weeks, blocked in by snow, until I finally had enough and freed them.

Good exercise, y'all.  And happy chickens pecking at grass.  It was worth it.

As soon as the snow was gone, I jogged out to the garden (in a T-shirt and barefoot) so I could plan it out for this year's planting.  I practice crop rotation to keep things healthy, and I keep a stained, tattered garden journal that's 15 years old.  It documents every single year of gardening we've done on this piece of land.  It's epic.  And dirty.

So there I was, squatting in the garden, and although I had only planned on laying out garden beds, my arms and legs started twitching, and before I knew it, I had filled the wheelbarrow with compost from the goat barn, spread it on a garden bed, broadforked it to make it nice and loose, and planted all the garlic.

I love when that  happens.  Garlic's in.  Check.

I shall leave you with images of last week.

... Sun shining onto the Cascade River...

... Sun rising in our back yard...

... My sons heading into the woods with their friend to target practice with their bows and arrows...

... My husband sniffing Devil's club inner bark he harvested to make a tincture with...

... Is your garden snow free yet? 


  1. Just lovely. Always enjoy reading your posts and looking at your pictures. Excited to be attending your homestead retreat and getting to see everything you share with us. A gardening journal - I wish I had started one years ago. Would love to see yours. Our Daughter -in-law keeps a garden journal. This year will be the first year At their new home place and I’m sure she will once again keep her journal on gardening and canning the abundance. Thank you, Corina. :o)

    1. I'm very excited for you to join us at our homestead! Then you'll get to experience all the beauty first hand!

  2. I just planted my garlic. I also planted walla walla onion sets, as well as carrot seeds, seed potatoes, zucchini sets, tomatoes sets. I still have herbs from last year. Sunflowers and nasturtiums. Cilantro, kale, spinach... (I HAVE to get them going well before it gets beasty hot!)Rosemary and mint overwintered and is poised to take over. Strawberries, too.

    I added gypsum to our nasty soil - so hard - because it takes so long to reclaim it with just compost.

    We've had a lot of rain recently. Today we have to do weed abatement. We mow and I put the grass clipping in the compost pile. You thought we were busy before! Now we are BUSY! I'm a garden junky like you. I get out there and I can't stop myself from doing something.

  3. No chickens or goats. Too many folks around here have same. Chickens roam free in the yards and roads! I'm trying to connect with someone who feeds well for barter goat milk but so far I haven't found anyone. It is "Chivo" City around here (Mexican for goat).
