Sunday, January 20, 2019

My absolutely favorite thing in the kitchen (do you have one?)

I'm really, really bad at planning meals. Yes, I love cooking (most of the time), and yes, I adore eating (all of the time), but cranking out a home-cooked, healthy meal every day can feel like a real drag.

You know what I mean?

I've always admired and been a little jealous of the moms that make shopping lists and plan and pre-cook meals, but I'm just not wired that way.

Me? I'm busy all day, and then come 4 or 5 pm, I freak out about having to procure a nourishing meal for my family.

Sure, we have lots of home-raised meat in the freezer, but did I remember to defrost it? (The answer is: Nope.)

Enter the Instant Pot, my new absolutely favorite thing in the kitchen. I'm completely and utterly in love with it.

Here are some of the reasons:

~ You get butter-knife tender roasts in minutes. MINUTES!!!!

~ Hearty bean soups and chilli with no overnight soaking and a fraction of the traditional cooking time.

~ Creamy risottos without stirring.

~ Nourishing bone broth in 2 hours instead of 48 hours.

Dinner is done so much faster than usual (two to six times faster). 

~ It makes inexpensive cuts of meat tender and melt-in-your-mouth (and it cooks much faster!)

~ Food tastes amazing and is more nutritious, because the Instant Pot traps the flavors and nutrients inside the pot.

~ You put stuff in the pot and forget about it. No watching over or stirring at all!

Get your own:

Let me know if you have an Instant Pot already, or once you get one, what your favorite dish is!!!


  1. I was so much in love with mine too until yesterday when my daughter was making elderberry syrup in mine. She set it on the stove and accidentally turned on the burner :(. I now need a new one and a new burner. NEVER use your instant pot on the stove top. I feel like I've lost a pet or something. The instant pot is AMAZING!

    1. Oh, no, Mary, so sorry to hear that!!! What a bummer!!!!

    2. We have one it's a 6 qt. My favorite thing so far is yogurt. I admit, I haven't used it enough and I've had it for a year.

    3. Brenda, I can't wait to make yogurt with it. I've made hundreds of gallons of yogurt, but never in the Instant Pot!

  2. I see chicken feet in your pot. Do you buy those locally? Or from your own chickens?

    1. We raise our own broiler chickens and save the feet. But you can buy them - I just saw some at our local Community Food Coop!

    2. In Mount Vernon? Sorry to ask so many questions!

  3. I just cooked a medium rare roast in my instant pot and it's delish! Only 38 minutes from start to finish. I love instant pot pot roast kind of meals but am so impressed that it'll even produce really delicious medium rare beef!
