Saturday, January 2, 2021

How my sister can help your pet (alive or dead)

My sister Kerstin (whom we all call Pepe) is a gifted animal communicator. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have gotten over my grief when my beloved dog Chowder died. 

She also helped me on New Year's Eve, when my pup Hazel was sick, shaking and crying. Something was terribly wrong with her, and I got hit with PTSD because this is what happened to Chowder before he died.

We immediately took Hazel to the vet, and I called Pepe. She asked me to email her a picture of Hazel. 15 minutes later, she told me that Hazel's tummy was inflamed, and so was her right ear.

One hour later, the vet had done a test for pancreatitis (negative) and various blood tests. He diagnosed Hazel with an ear infection (the right ear) and dehydration, gave her an IV, and send us home advising us to feed her bland food for a while.

Pepe in the meantime found out that Hazel reacted to the rich goose meat we had fed her the night before, and she gave us instructions how to feed her from now on. No more dry kibble food.

Every single time I've asked Pepe for help with my animals (dead or alive), she was able to help me and my pets. I do think she has a gift, although she says everyone can learn this.

I wanted to let you know about her, so you can get help if you have problems with one of your pets. 


Here's her website. 


Unfortunately, it's in German, but if you decide to ask her for help, I can translate. Just reply to this, and I'll get you guys in touch.

Here's what she specializes in:

- Animal communication, where you get to ask 5 questions

- Body scan, where she detects what's going on inside

- Messages from you deceased pet

- Energetic hospice care for animals

- Energetic healing/quantum energy healing

- Emotional problem behavior identification and problem solving

- Shamanic totem animal retrieval

So if you decide you want Pepe's help, let me know, and I'll be your translator!

Her prices are incredibly reasonable, by the way!!!


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