Monday, February 20, 2017

Where did all the little collars go? Check in the eagles' nest.

We walked to the creek a couple of days ago, with our new tiny dog Yoda (formerly called Chowder) on the leash, thank goodness, because as we sat down in the sand, five eagles circled overhead.  There's no doubt about their intent: watch for a chance to grab our little dog and carry him off as a snack.

After all, Yoda is the size of a rabbit.  Which eagles love to eat.

I knew keeping a toy dog would require a watchful eye on our part, since not only eagles, but also owls, racoons, mountain lions, bobcats, wolves and bear roam close to us.

Our big huge dog Raka hangs out with Yoda when they're outside, and so far, they have always been supervised.  I think Raka's large size and ferocious bark make a good body guard.  I'm hoping for the best.

Our vet told us that a tree with an eagles' nest blew down in Whatcom County, and when people looked inside the nest, they found a bunch of collars in it.  That eagle must have killed a lot of cats and little dogs.

I love our little doggie.  My oxytocin is running high holding him on my lap, and he follows me around wherever I go, even if I just fetch a glass of water in the kitchen.  He's not needy, but he knows that we rescued him, and that I was the one elbowing her way to the front desk at the animal shelter when a bunch of other people were trying to adopt him.

Can I confess something?  I bought him a little raincoat.  Yes, I did.  Also, I carry him around in a backpack when we hike so he won't get too tired.  And he sleeps in our bed.  I have to lift him onto it.

I know, I know.  I'm being ridiculous.

Lest you think I'm going soft on you, don't worry.  I'm still a kick-ass, motorcycle riding, manure shovelling, billy goat juggling, tough chick.

And talking of birds: I heard my first varied thrush mating call this morning, and I almost cried.  Spring is coming.  

While our friends on the East cost are surviving snow armageddon, our snow and ice is melting.  It is so amazing to walk on soft grass instead of slippery ice or mushy snow.

And I started my onion seeds yesterday!!! 

Did you know that I have a free series of short video tutorials on how to start onions from seeds, and how to grow the best organic onions you ever grew?  Yep, I do, and you can watch the videos by clicking here.

Today, I'm starting an Ayurvedic detoxing cleanse, which means I will be eating mung beans, basmati rice and greens for three weeks.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I'm scared, y'all.  I already quite chocolate and coffee a month ago, and now I'm going to do the cleanse.  I'll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with pictures of last week, which included as much good, homemade food as I could make, since I knew what I would have to face for the next three weeks.

Baked pears with walnuts, maple syrup, cinnamon and, of course, whipping cream.

Home made granola:

Gluten free pancakes with Valentine roses.  We didn't eat the roses.

And not edible, but still incredibly delicious: our neighbors' granddaughter, with a hat I knitted her.  You can get the free pattern here.

What's going on in your neck of the woods this month?


  1. I love your little dog. I don't even want to tell you how ridiculous I am with Buddy. Theres just nothing like a lap dog. You'll have to bring him down for a play date, I'm excited to meet him. The food looks amazing and that baby is adorable!

    1. Hey Chris, let's make a puppy playdate (and some girl time for us)!

  2. You look like a very happy doggy-mama. Enjoy your doggy-moon. :D

    1. I'm telling you: It's oxytocin, the bonding hormone!!!

  3. Fun post and great photos! "Glad you are to have Yoda."
    - Marty

  4. Oh, the mothering instinct is strong in that one! (wasn't that a quote from a movie? No? Oh well.) Love the pictures of the kids upside down and the grown ups horizontal!

    1. It was sure nice to take a little nap at the beach, with the doggie all snuggled up between us!

  5. Beautiful pictures! So glad Yoda is fitting in so nicely. I can tell by his face he is happy and so are you. That's a good thing for sure.
    Good luck with the cleansing. I have never done one of those before and I am intrigued by what you are eating the next few weeks and why. Take care.


    I ended up with almost a gallon of maple syrup.It was a lot of boiling down of sap, almost 40 gallons or more. It was fun doing this and a learning experience. I will definitely be doing this again next year.Had our first sprouted wholewheat pancakes last week with the maple was divine.

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