Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day, an interview with our local radio station, more mountain biking and the garden

Before I forget to tell you: Marblemount Homestead got interviewed by our local radio station KSVU 90.1 a couple of weeks ago.  The lovely Erma Baude interviewed my entire family: the head honcho (namely me), Steve, Kai, Luke and Eva.  

I think it's a great interview and really shows our personalities, so if you want to learn more about us, listen to the audio hereor click on the vimeo link.

KSVU Radio Interview with Marblemount Homestead from Corina Sahlin on Vimeo.

So remember to click on the interview above after you are done reading this post, which you should, because I'm writing about my lovely husband Steve, father to our three children, and our biggest supporter, cheerleader, and steady rock of the family.

I'm writing about Steve because it's Father's Day, and I want to celebrate the fact that he's the best Daddy and guy I've ever met.  Hands down.  

The man has the patience of a saint, unconditional love of Jesus or Buddha, adventure spirit of the first guy ever to climb Mount Everest, nurturing side of Mother Theresa, strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger (we used to call him our mule when he had to carry our children up and down mountains), and all-around number one guy.  Plus, he's hot, so there.

The photos above were taken on one of our adventures last week, mountain biking and camping in the Methow Valley for my birthday, and fishing here on the West side.

I love the fact that Steve is as much an outdoor adventure person as I am.  He keeps up with me, if I not with him, but he's nice about it and won't rub it in.

Here are some more pictures, taken at Rasar State Park closeby where we live.

And here are photos of our adventure in the Methow Valley.  Camping, camp-firing, biking, hiking, kayaking.  The dogs came, too, and were great sports about everything.  

My little guy even sat in the Kayak with me and paddled in several lakes with me.  Although he looks like a disgruntled teddy bear in all pictures, he adores hanging out close by my side.  Honestly, I don't know if this dog can even swim.  Maybe I should get a life vest for him?

I can't tell you how much fun I'm having mountain biking with my sons.  It's great exercise, of course, but apart from all the endorphins, it also produces lots of oxytocin (the bonding hormone).  The kinds of talks we have, when we actually have breath left to talk, the laughs, the cheering each other on... it's precious.

I will leave you with pictures of some of the beauty in our garden.

If you are a Dad, I wish you a Happy Father's Day.  May you be adored by your kids, and may you realize that being a father is much, much more important than your job, you know the one you bring the bacon home with.


  1. Happy Father's Day Steve! The world needs more guys like you! Love and peace, Renee from California

    PS just wait until you see where we went today and the video we took of it. I still can't believe it. (hint: King's Canyon National Park)

  2. Smiling while listening to the interview. I am grateful to have met you all. I think about you guys and talk about you often!
