Friday, December 1, 2017

Homesteading in Paradise November 2017 movie - I hope you don't think we're alcoholics

In this month's short "Highlights of our Homesteading Life" movie, you'll see us make, rack and bottle all kinds of home made wine (and root beer).  I promise, we're not alcoholics.

Also,  you'll witness the crazy scary flooding that's been happening here in the Pacific Northwest.

Plus, feast your eyes on the beauty of our first (very early) snowfall.


  1. My dad made elderberry wine. It was a great sweet wine the way he made it. Apple hard cider! You are so adorable telling about the chevre! I tried making root beer. My partner didn't love the taste. He was expecting A&W taste. Tell us your recipe some day, please. I want to try it again as I have all the equipment. Last year we had so much rain we were flooded out. I took a video of the Kings River which was frightening in it's back full ferocity!

    1. Root beer... It tasted great! Not too sweet, nice and fizzy. We'll work on a tutorial about it soon.
      And it's interesting to hear about you guys being flooded out, since you suffer from such hot dry summers. It's crazy, isn't it?

    2. Looking forward to the tutorial. Our weather? Definitely crazy.

  2. Loved the video. Thank you Corina. You live in such a beautiful area of the state. We're over on the dry side, Lower Yakima Valley. There's a lot of agriculture, but if we don't irrigate we have sagebrush and sand. :o)

    1. You are so welcome. Yes, we definitely live in the wet part of the state. Yakima Valley has its own charm. Good fishing over there, eh?

  3. I mean bank full

    Check it out.
