Friday, March 31, 2017

We've had five inches of rain in the past five days.
Am I complaining?  Sure I am.

I met with one of my friends to meet up for carpooling our teenagers to a track meet, and as she emerged from her truck and I from my minivan, we just looked at each other bleary-eyed, falling into each other's arms and both bursting out "I can't stand this #^*# anymore!"

So, yes, you could say we're sick of the rain.  

It did melt the snow, though.  I show the progression from full-on winter-blizzard-wonderland to planting garlic in our bare garden beds in my newest short movie "Homesteading in Paradise - March Highlights".

I hope you have fun watching it!


  1. Garlic beds looks great and so does the soil. Really enjoyed watching the video and all the coming and goings on your homestead

    I broadforked an area yesterday even tho it was wet and planted beet seeds.This is the first year using a broadfork to put in the garden.I like being able to go in the garden and work it even tho its wet....kinda cool.We had 5 inches of rain overnight. I hope it didn't wash out my seeds.
    Planted kale plants last week. I hope I did not do this to early.


    1. Wow, lucky you to plant all this stuff already. I usually have to wait til the end of April to plant my root crops.

  2. What a lovely video! I love how your children help you in the garden. Do they stay there for the duration of all the planting and chores? Or do they wander off?

    You have a lovely, lovely place to live!

    1. Ruth, the kids stay when I tell them to. The boys usually wander off when they are done, but Eva likes to hang out with me in the garden. When I tell them to help, they do it. It's how I raised them, and they know if they want to eat, they have to plant it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think I jumped the gun on planting the cold crops. Now they are calling for very cold weather again.I usually don't plant until end of April or beginning of May. Our last frost date is May 15th.

    With all the warm weather we had I got a little to bold and took the chance. Maybe they will survive the cold snap. If they don't I know to never ever do that 5 inches of rain didn't help either. We had one day of sunshine yesterday and now back to rain for the next week. :(

