Sunday, April 9, 2017

Food, food, food, and the best muffin recipe I've ever made

Since the weather has been so non-stop *#^@ yucky, our lives have revolved around food.  When it's gloomy and dumping rain, you gotta have some comfort food.

So to start with, I want to point you to my no-refined-sugar maple walnut blueberry muffins.  We've been whipping 'em up a lot lately, and they are the best muffins I've ever eaten.

There's also lots of homemade pizza happening around here.

And since we are talking of food, let me show you the crazy color of our nettle pesto.  I have a recipe of it on my blog, as well as a tutorial on my youtube channel, and I think you totally should make it yourself.  

It's better than pesto made with basil, and packed with so many more nutrients.  My kids love it, which is a bonus!

I would love to show you photos of our beautiful mountains, but you can't see them because of the clouds.  

I would love to show you pictures of our beautiful garden, but it's too wet to plant anything, except the garlic, which we did plant a couple of weeks ago when it didn't pour for a whole day.

I would love to show you photos of our baby goats, but they are still in utero.

Moving right along: more food.  Yep, that's how we hang.  We like to eat.

Kai, our oldest son, has gotten into making Sushi.  More power to you, dude!

And Eva, our youngest, is determined to learn how to make Challa, which is an amazing sweet bread made with duck eggs.  I make it with honey instead of white sugar, so I can eat it, too.

And will you look at these?  Shiitake mushrooms from our own land!  I don't know why that feels so monumental to me, but considering how expensive they are to buy, it feels like a luxury to grow our own Shiitakes.

We can't neglect drinks after showcasing all this food, so let me show you my Kombucha operation.  This fermented drink is full of probiotics, so it's awesome for your gut health, which affects your mental healthy, too.  The more research I do on gut health, the more I realize how it is all connected to our mental state.

I teach an online workshop on how to make Kombucha, and I also show how to make it so incredibly fizzy it's like a soda you would buy at the store, except much, much healthier!

Allright, now that you may be drooling, or maybe totally bored with my food stuff, let's go outside.

As I mentioned, we had one day of sun last week, so we headed outside, of course.  I dug in the flower garden to weed the darn buttercup out of it and had to open the greenhouse so my seedlings wouldn't die of heat stroke.  Steve pruned the orchard.  And the kids jumped on the trampoline so much that they were sweating.  

It got so warm that we were able to eat lunch on the porch, much to the delight of the dogs and chickens, since they got to clean up after us.

I will leave you with images from the homestead.  It is spring, it really is, and I do remind myself of this daily when we are huddling in front of the wood stove.  
The chickens and ducks are free ranging and stepping up their egg production (thus all this frantic Challa-making, ahem), and crocuses and witch hazel are blooming.

PS: Don't forget to get my maple walnut blueberry muffin recipe over at my new blog!


  1. Shitake envious. How did you go about growing them?

    1. Donna,
      We inoculated logs two years ago. My husband took a workshop at our friend's place, and that started everything!

  2. I had to laugh. We too use quite a few Grolsch bottles for our Kombucha. They are a win/win purchase.

    1. Kim, for sure. They are especially great for the second fermentation, when you add other stuff. This one was Mango! So fizzy!

  3. Hi Corina. I so enjoy your posts. How much kombucha do you all drink a day? How much do you make at a time? I make 2.5 gallons every 2 weeks, but I think I need to make less.

    1. I make 1 gallon every 2 weeks. Once the second ferment is done, we drink the stuff in a few days! It's so good!

  4. In between seasons here.
    Grey, overcast, bone chilling and it looks as if we will be having a white easter instead of christmas.
    Lakes are almost icefree, but the soil is far from.

  5. Weird, weird, weird. A white Easter... that happened here before... Hope spring will catch up with you soon!

    1. By the looks of it, it will be a cold and grey easter holiday.
      Had a few days of sunshine last week and I never cease to be amazed at the effects of that on us and on everything around us! Like an injection of life's energy!
      And I do know those bottles only too well. ;)
