Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Glorious, glorious June! Homesteading in Paradise!

Ohhhhh, dear ones, June was sooooooo full and glorious and also hard.

Watch my little video I made for our "Homesteading in Paradise" series for June.  Honestly, it's worth it.  

If you usually don't click on my movies, this one is worth watching.

Have fun watching, and let me know what you think of our crazy life!


  1. Look over this video - what beautiful flowers and amazing adventures. So sweet seeing your daughter reading with all the chickens around her!!!

    1. Thanks! I know, right? The chicken is cracking me up. She likes to hang out with us...

  2. You live in such a beautiful place. I loved seeing your garden and marvel at how rain makes such a difference. Here in southern California it's such a struggle.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, we are blessed by all the lushness, although the rain DOES get old in winter!

  3. Just loved watching, as right now it's grey and raining in my part of the UK. Seeing your beautiful surroundings and luscious garden raised my spirits no end.
