Monday, July 10, 2017

The garden in July - and lots of amazing food!

Our July garden is phenomenal.  Despite the late start of the season, we are eating out of it every day.
There are lots of veggies and of course plenty of unruly flowers happily spreading themselves all over the place.

Let me show you.  Here's the entrance of the garden, protected by poultry netting, because the free-range chickens and ducks would destroy everything in it.  We don't have to electrify the fence, and it works great.

Here's a view of the mallow, borage and calendula flowers interspersed with all the veggies.  Plus the flowering cilantro, poppies and bellflowers.

Why do I interplant like this?

Because it's darn pretty, and because the bees loooooooove the flowers.

Now here's a tour of the veggies.  There were so many, I had to make a collage of some of them.  Below: zucchini, broccoli, kale and peas.

Next up: garlic, onions, and beets.

Furthermore, carrots, cabbage, pole beans.

Also: collards, cucumbers, and of course, tomatoes.  And tucked in the corner of the garden: sunchokes.

It's all about food around here, as usual.

The kids are contributing to the food scene.  Kai's speciality is breadsticks, with lots of butter and garlic powder.  Look at that huge pile in the picture.  How long do you think did it take the five of us to eat them?  Ahem.

I'm just now cutting into some killer Tomme cheese I made last year.  Killer not because we'll die when we eat it (I hope), but because it's just so good.  Creamy, nutty, great texture. 

Wait, am I boasting?  Sure I am.

And look at this cake! Yes, it's cake, albeit decorated with flowers, and I made it for our friend's wedding last week.  It's my gluten free, no-refined sugar sweet potato almond cake, which sounds weird and boring, but is anything but.

Cherries have been coming on strong in our orchard, and we scramble to pick them before the birds do.  

Also, the chickens have been laying eggs like crazy.  I noticed today that my duck is sitting on her eggs, so maybe we'll have baby ducks in a month.  That, or the broody duck will be eaten by raccoons.  I sure as hell hope not.

What can I show you next?  

Ahhh, I got it: home made pasta, since we have so many eggs.  These noodles are always a hit, although you might not believe this according to Eva's grave face.  She was grumpy because it was such a hot day, and I made her help me with the pasta.

You wanna eat?  Then you help.

Also, here she is helping me harvest calendula flowers for making calendula infused oil for my goat milk soaps.

I will leave you with a photo of the moon over the ridge.  Have I told you that I love July?

How about you?


  1. Hi Corina, Did you build your homestead from the ground up? In other words was there anything there when you came? Next, why do you have a tent over the tomatoes? Third, your onion tops are all standing up. My onion tops have all fallen over. They're not dead. Just all fallen over. And I was wrong. They're not smaller than a golf ball. They're about the same size as a golf ball. (Walla walla).

    How hot it is there? We are having summer in the Central Valley. Every day of July so far has been over 100 and the forecast is the same for the rest. Yesterday it was 107. Only a month and a half left to endure. Out to feed the animals in 5 minutes while it's still "cool".

    1. Oh yes, we built it from the ground up. It was basically alder forest. We worked our butts off, and I was three months pregnant when we got our place.
      The tent over the tomatoes is a greenhouse, because tomatoes do really well covered in the Pacific Northwest.
      Onion tops fall over when the onions are starting to get ready to be harvested. If they are only the size of a golf ball, they should not fall over yet. Are you watering them enough? Or too much?
      It's been pretty hot. 80s and 90s. I can't believe you can stand 107 degree weather! Argh!

    2. Wow I am very very impressed because your place is beautiful! Our tomatoes are covered, too but with a sunshade. Otherwise the blossoms fall off in the heat! I have a drip line on the onions, peppers and tomatoes because they are next to each other. I let the drip line go every 2-3 days for 5 hours or more. I can't figure out if that is too much or not enough.

  2. Oh my german mama made the best noodles! She piled flour on the counter and mixed the eggs in with her hands. Then she floured the dough heavily, rolled it up and sliced into strips. She made the most heavenly chicken and noodles. I have never been able to duplicate it.

    1. You could totally do it! There are lots of tutorials on youtube and google!

  3. Your garden is breathtaking ! I love how the flowers are interwoven it is beautiful.
    Your Tomme cheese looks perfect. I can almost taste it....wish I could. Are you calling this a Tomme cheese because of the mold or is it a Tomme cheese because of the recipe? I am not familiar with all the cheese names yet.
    Thanks for sharing and all the wonderful pictures.


    1. Linda,
      Tomme cheese is a kind of cheese, just like Gouda or Cheddar are another kind. I love Tomme. It's pretty easy to make, and so good!

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